Student Section

The FSeC Student Section (FSeC-SS) provides innovative, hands-on educational opportunities using the simulation software to create hyper-realistic cyberattack scenarios to provide a winning edge for APU students entering Capture-The-Flag (CTF).  Below are some recent competitions which APU student teams have taken honours: 

Battle of Hackers 2023 (ABOH)

The ASEAN Battle of Hackers (ABOH) 2023, held on 2nd December 2023, marked another milestone in the realm of cybersecurity competitions. As an annual, Jeopardy-style Capture the Flag (CTF) event, ABOH has consistently evolved to reflect the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity, and the 2023 edition was no exception. The event officially began at 9:00 AM with its opening ceremony and the competition officially began at 10:30 AM and lasted for about 6 hours, which ended the competition at 4:30 PM. The event concurrently happened offline and online (Offline for local category and hybrid for ASEAN category). Microsoft Teams was used for opening and closing for online participants. This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the event, highlighting key elements that contributed to its success and differentiation from preceding competitions.

PETRONAS Capture the Flag (CTF) 2023 

During the qualifying phase on October 9th, a total of 11 APU teams engaged in intense competition, and following a rigorous selection process, 7 of these teams advanced to the final round scheduled for October 10th. Remarkably, the triumphant teams in both categories were affiliated with FSEC-SS, and they were mentored by FSEC-SS advisors, Ms. Nor Azlina and Ms. Noris. This impressive feat was achieved with unwavering support from CTF modules lecturers, Mr. Hanis and Mr. Shahab, alongside SOT lecturers, who consistently motivate and guide APU students to actively partake in the CTF competition.

1st place goes to team OnlyFeets
1st place goes to team OnlyFeets
Second Runner-Up goes to team HC4
Congratulations to the two APU teams that won the PETRONAS CTF 2023 on October 10, 2023.

CyberHunt at UTAR

The Amazing CyberHunt, also known as UTAR-FICT Inaugural Intervarsity Capture The Flag (CTF) Competition, is the first of its kind cybersecurity competition that included both virtual and physical challenges that required participants to move around in search of clues leading to the flag. It was held on 22nd July 2023 (Saturday), at UTAR Kampar, Perak. APU has sent two teams for the competition that most of the participants were FSEC-SS committee and accompanying by FSEC-SS advisors Ms Nor Azlina and Ms Noris and supporting lecturers from SOT Ms Zaireeda and Mr Hanis , with a 100% success rate!


Siber Siaga Capture The Flag: Code Combat was a 3-day cybersecurity event that was held last 15-17 August 2023. There were several conferences, talks and training that were related to cybersecurity. It is organised and managed by Cyber Cell DCED & NanoSec Asia. APU registered 5 teams for the qualifying round, with 4 teams are able to go for final round. This CTF competition is an open category competition where the participation is open to industry and students to participate. APU won 13K for Siber Siaga Capture the Flag: Code Combat 2023.

Nuts won 2nd place
Team Name: Spac3Cat
Team Name: Darksid3r
No Coding

ITREXC Competition

The 4th International Innovation, Technology & Research Exhibition and Conference (ITREXC2023) was a comprehensive event that brought together leading researchers, innovators, technologists, and practitioners from various industries and disciplines. The event was designed to showcase the latest trends, advancements and achievements in innovation, technology and research, especially in the field of education. 

Team Name: DinoDefenders

2nd Prize Winner

Team Name: Darksid3rs

3rd Prize winner

Team Name: Darksid3rs &  DinoDefenders

2nd Prize Winner & 3rd Prize winner

APSEC 2023 

APSEC 2023 a premier educational competition that puts teams of 3 players to the test in the dynamic world of cybersecurity. Universities and industries come together to compete, showcasing their expertise as they tackle a range of cyber challenges. 

Spac3cat 4th place

L0stP4rad0x 5th place

SkyJu1c3 9th place

All teams during winners announcement with the advisors Nor Azlina and Noris

Tapao 15th place

PETRONAS Capture the Flag (CTF) 2023 

During the qualifying phase on October 9th, a total of 11 APU teams engaged in intense competition, and following a rigorous selection process, 7 of these teams advanced to the final round scheduled for October 10th. Remarkably, the triumphant teams in both categories were affiliated with FSEC-SS, and they were mentored by FSEC-SS advisors, Ms. Nor Azlina and Ms. Noris. This impressive feat was achieved with unwavering support from CTF modules lecturers, Mr. Hanis and Mr. Shahab, alongside SOT lecturers, who consistently motivate and guide APU students to actively partake in the CTF competition.

APU Teams
1st place goes to team OnlyFeets
1st place goes to team OnlyFeets
Second Runner-Up goes to team HC4
Congratulations to the two APU teams that won the PETRONAS CTF 2023 on October 10, 2023.

BAT Capture the Flag (CTF)

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