Penetration Testing Service FAQ

  • What is a penetration test?
    A penetration test is a simulated cyber attack against a system to check for exploitable vulnerabilities. The outcome of the test is a report on the vulnerabilities found, the ease at which they can be exploited and suggestions on how they can be fixed.
  • How much is the penetration testing service?
    The cost depends on the scope of the test (estimated man hours). The service is offered on a 'at cost' basis, which covers the internship payments and the associated internship training / certification costs.
  • What type of systems do you perform penetration testing on?
    The systems within the scope of the test need to be accessible from APU. As such web applications are the simplest to test, followed by mobile applications and then desktop systems.
  • Is penetration testing safe?
    The best time to perform penetration testing is before the system is released and only contains dummy data. If penetration testing is being conducted on a system that is operational then you are protected by way of confidentiality agreements signed by the APU Penetration Testing Team.
  • I am a SME located outside of Malaysia, can I request the penetration testing service?
    Yes, since the service is delivered remotely.
  • How do I sign up for the penetration testing service?
    Send us a message via the 'Contact us' page with some details on the system that requires penetration testing. We will be in touch to learn more about the system and provide you with an estimate as to the cost.

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