Download Installer

Compliance Critter provides and installers for single pc deployment and for mass deployment.

  1. Installer for single pc deployment. 
    This installer is 'attended', meaning that user input is required during the process to follow prompts and make choices about installation options. After installation the Compliance Critter Set Up screen is shown in which the password and video storage settings are entered. If you are looking to test Compliance Critter or need to install Compliance Critter on a pc with non-standard program files / program data locations, or storage restrictions, then use this installer. For testing purposes, screen recordings captured within 72 hours of installation of Compliance Critter using this attended installer are viewable without the need to purchase a license. 

  2. Installer for mass deployment.
    The installer for mass deployment is 'unattended' and silent, so that it can be deployed to multiple pcs simulatenously using Active Directory or other similar tools. To create a silent installer you need to specify the Compliance Critter password and video storage settings to be used. These settings are packaged within the installer itself and avoids the need to enter them in the Compliance Critter Set Up screen. Upon installation, Compliance Critter automatically launches in the background and begins capturing screen recordings.

    Deployment - The 'compliancecritter.msi' file created by clicking the above button can be deployed using the msiexec.exe command line tool. Open a command prompt as an administrator and enter the following command:

    msiexec.exe /i "path to compliancecritter.msi" /quiet

    The .msi file can also be deployed using Active Directory, PDQ Deploy and similar software.

    Uninstalling - Where Compliance Critter it has been deployed using the .msi file it cannot directly be installed from the Windows control panel. Instead open a command prompt as an administrator and enter the following command:

    ComCritViewer.exe UNINSTALLPASSWORD password

    where password is the password specified in the creation of the mass deployment .msi file. If the screen recordings need to be retained after uninstallation then use the following command:

    ComCritViewer.exe UNINSTALLPASSWORD password KEEPDATA

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